The initial plan was to get settle at my parents, and once Brad finished his 90 day trial period I would move to the DRC with him while Zanzibar stayed with my parents. My parents house would become our hub as we would come and go from there.
Naturally, we didn't account for the possibility of anything going wrong, so we were a little taken aback when it was announced that the company would be eliminating family housing. They would only house employees. I had no choice but to stay back with Zanzibar and live with my parents. I dealt with the trial and tribulations that were occurring at home with family and took on new part-time retail work at Warby Parker while Brad continued working abroad. In my spare time, I dabble in assorted hobbies and tried selling my little works of art on Etsy. ...but ultimately, it wasn't for me.

We rotated between Brad coming home and far off exotic vacations which included visiting the island that my beloved Zanzibar was named after. We were living our best lives when we were together.
Eventually, I got burned out on my part-time job. It was a haven when I needed to escape the chaos of my home-life, but things had begun to settle and the minimal pay just didn't make sense in the grand scheme of things. I was ready for something new, a challenge.
After about two years, we decided it was time to get a place of our own. Something small that wouldn't interfere with our long crazy trips, but that we wouldn't have to worry about when we left. So, we put in an offer on our former house (the one you all saw in hundreds of photos), and got it! The day we closed, I was in there with my parents tearing out old carpet. I did a full remodel, taking it to the studs in certain spots. I picked every part of our home and hired every contractor. I demoed, I laid flooring, I installed light fixtures, I laid every paver in our backyard, and mastered irrigation. I made our house our home.
About a year in, and with very few projects left to complete, I was ready to start working again. This time I wanted to work for myself so that I could maintain a flexible schedule to accommodate our lifestyle. Feeling inspired by the very talented Kara , I wanted to start selling my photography.
So, I ordered test prints. I mapped out my favorites. I designed my website & VOILA!, The Compulsive Traveler shop was open for business!

It wasn’t long before I decided I wanted to start selling decor too. I couldn’t hold back my dream of having a bigger product line up. …and after decorating my new home I knew that selling one-of-a-kind pieces with unique designs and materials was exactly what I wanted to offer. I started with a small selection of kilim pillow covers from Turkey and sabra and pom pom pillow covers Morocco, then pulled in some super cute Indian dhurrie rugs, and eventually dipped my toe into the realm of vintage Moroccan rugs. I was thriving! My product line up was a direct representative of my lifestyle, my aesthetic, and my love for special pieces that no one else could have!
In 2021, I realized that I felt I didn't want to create a brand my name, I wanted to create a brand around a "vibe", so to speak. I never wanted it to feel stagnant or boring. I had a bigger, brighter, more colorful vision for my business, and so I began to think creatively. I wanted a new name, and I wanted color. Moroccan rugs aren't very serious, and I didn't want my brand to be either. I eventually settled on SOUKi RATHMAN. Rathman is obviously, my last name. It represents my influence on the brand, and SOUKi is my playful name take on the word souk.Souks are incredible markets found in Arab countries throughout the middle east and northern Africa. They are packed with exotic treasures. By creating SOUKi RATHMAN and filling my shop with exotic treasures here in the US, I am able to bring the souks to you!

Many of you have come to know and appreciate our pink Major Mitchell's cockatoo too. That is not without influence. On a trip to Bali, we visited an Aviary where we got to interact with hundreds of different types of exotic birds. I loved this cockatoo. The colors were absolutely gorgeous! While it didn't have the most vibrant personality of all the birds we met, It was definitely one of the most photogenic!
Over the last 4.5 years, the name has changed but not the spirit. I have brought items back from our travels to Mexico and Asia. I have worked with special suppliers around the globe to bring you the best of the best! I strive to create beautiful content and provide the most accurate images and information possible to make shopping easier for you. I'm always here to answer any questions and help you create your dream home!